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Chief Graves Releases KCPD Crime Plan

Publish Date 03/14/2024


Kansas City is facing challenges with rising violent crime. The key to ending the culture of violence in our city is in all of us, the people of Kansas City. To truly make a sustainable impact, we must take a city-wide approach to reducing violent crime and work together in both words and action to improve quality of life for all Kansas Citians and change the trajectory of violent crime. Every Kansas Citian should ask themselves what they can do or how they can contribute and work toward a safer, healthier city.

For those who say we need to hold offenders more accountable for their violent acts and for those who say we need more options that address the root causes of crime, you are correct on both accounts. While we can’t arrest our way out of the next generation of violent crime, we also can’t solely rely on well-intended programs to ensure safety from violent individuals in our city.

How can we work together? I’ve included a link to KCPD's crime plan that details what your police department is doing to fight crime in Kansas City. As you will see, there is opportunity for you to be a part of the solution. We are investing in our community partnerships to strengthen our relationships and expand policing resources that amplify the community’s voice. We are also working hand-in-hand with city and local leaders (Mayor, City Council, prosecutors, federal partners, faith-based, business, community, etc.), who are also committed to making Kansas City safer.

I want to make this clear. I am sharing this plan today because I want you to know we are working hard to build a better, safer Kansas City. Nothing is more important to us than your safety and well-being. And while I am sharing this plan now, we began carrying it out in 2023, shortly after I became the Chief. Additionally, this crime plan is a high-level view of evidence-based strategies fueled by data and analysis; it is not all-inclusive of our efforts to fight crime. No written document can quantify the impact of thousands of positive community interactions and great police work our members carry out each day.

With this plan and our community and local leaders, we are all moving forward together with momentum and strong will to reduce violent crime, making our city safer for all of us.